New Shocking Study Shows that 95% of baby foods tested were high in Heavy Metals

When I saw this study I was absolutely shocked! Nearly all foods made for babies contain at least one toxic heavy metal that can harm brain development.  The study tested 13 different types of foods like baby foods, infant formula, cereal, puffs, snacks and purees and juices.  168 containers were tested from 61 brands (so quite a thorough sampling, not just the top few brands of baby food).

Ninety-five percent of the baby foods tested contained one or more toxic metals. About a quarter of them contained all four. Only nine of the samples tested had no toxic metals detected.

Did you know that even trace amounts of heavy metals can alter developing brains and decrease a child IQ?

A major issue is that heavy metals are persistent.  What does that mean? It means that your body cannot easily excrete them and they tend to build the more you have.

In my pediatric patient population, I’d say approximately 85% test high for heavy metals.  I know that common sources include lead in pipes of homes, environmental toxins and even the heavy metals that get passed down through generations to the child, but I never imagined that the current baby food that parents are feeding their children would be causing such an issue also.

I run a heavy metal challenge test in my clinic using a urine sample to test levels, and there is also options for hair analysis.

Unfortunately, with many parents feeding their children these toxic baby foods we may see a steep rise in the diagnosis of ADHD and autism.  Most parents will not be aware that heavy metals should be tested as this isn’t a standard test to be run at your family doctors office.

The study showed that ALL baby foods with rice contained toxins, lead, cadmium, arsenic and mercury.  Unfortunately the organic food also tested high for toxins.

So if you have an infant right now, you’re probably freaking out…as i would be also!

Some tips to cut the toxins out of your child’s diet are:

  1. Make your own food – when my kiddos were little I would get out my $30 Bullet and make my own food by pureeing it and then freezing it in ice cube trays to use later on
  2. When making your own food try to source food locally and use what is in season – less pesticides often mean less heavy metals and toxins
  3. Use more fruits and vegetables found on top of the ground as compared with ones like sweet potatoes and carrots grown in toxic soil
  4. Avoid rice based products or source from areas with lower heavy metals such as California
  5. Have your children drink water, not juice – this is also better for their blood sugar levels overall

If you are concerned about toxin levels and your child please contact me at the Natural Care Clinic at 905-631-0880 to get a simple heavy metal urine test done so you don’t have to worry about their future.