Healthy Eating for Autism – learn why it’s so important

As a parent of a child with autism, you have to decide every day what food they should eat. As much as it may be difficult to stay in line with a healthy diet for your child due to busy lifestyles and shuttling them from therapy session to therapy session, the importance of diet cannot be overstated for the development, cognition and overall health of your child.

10 facts why diet is so important for your child with autism:

  1. A healthy diet can improve mood and behavior in individuals with autism. Many individuals with autism have sensitivities to certain foods and additives, which can lead to negative behavioral changes. By eliminating problematic foods and incorporating more nutrient-dense options, it is possible to see an improvement in mood and behavior. Food sensitivities can be tested using an IgG Food Sensitivity test.
  2. An autism specific diet can support brain function in individuals with autism. The brain requires a wide range of nutrients to function properly, and a deficiency in any of these nutrients can impact cognitive function. Ensuring that an individual with autism is getting enough of these nutrients such as omega-3’s, vitamin B12, vitamin D, and magnesium, through their diet can support brain function and potentially improve cognitive skills.
  3. A healthy diet can reduce the risk of comorbid conditions in individuals with autism. Many individuals with autism are also at risk for other health conditions such as obesity, high cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes. Ensuring foods that are high is saturated fats, refined sugar, and artificial flavours and colours should all be avoided.
  4. A nutrient-rich diet can support physical development in individuals with autism. Adequate nutrition is essential for proper physical growth and development. By ensuring that an individual with autism is getting the nutrients they need, it is possible to support physical development and potentially improve physical function, including fine and gross motor skills such as speech, walking, adn even eye contact.
  5. A healthy diet can improve sleep in individuals with autism. Poor sleep is a common issue for individuals with autism, and a healthy diet can play a role in improving sleep quality. Some foods and additives can disrupt sleep, while others can promote better sleep such as eating food high in magneisum. By focusing on a diet that supports sleep, it is possible to improve sleep patterns in individuals with autism, thereby improving cognitions and behaviour the following day.
  6. A balanced diet can support immune function in individuals with autism. A strong immune system is important for overall health, and a healthy diet can support immune function. This is particularly important for individuals with autism who may be more susceptible to illness.
  7. A healthy diet can improve digestive function in individuals with autism. Many individuals with autism have digestive issues, and a healthy diet can help improve these issues. By eliminating problem foods and incorporating more nutrient-dense options, it is possible to improve digestive function and reduce gastrointestinal symptoms.
  8. A nutrient-rich diet can support the development of healthy habits in individuals with autism. A healthy diet can set the foundation for a lifetime of healthy habits. By introducing healthy eating habits at a young age, it is possible to set the stage for a lifetime of good nutrition and overall health.
  9. A healthy diet can improve overall health in individuals with autism. By supporting brain function, physical development, sleep, immune function, and digestive function, a healthy diet can promote overall health and well-being in individuals with autism.
  10. A healthy diet can be personalized to meet the unique needs of individuals with autism. No two individuals with autism are the same, and what works for one person may not work for another. It is important to develop a personalized nutrition plan that meets the unique needs of your child with autism.

Need support for your child with autism. Dr. Danielle ND has advanced training through the Medical Academy of Pediatric Special Needs in Biomedical Treatment. Book your appointment NOW

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