If you’ve recently been bit by a tick and don’t know where to start, here’s some interesting facts you should know. Lyme Disease is the #1 tick borne infection in the US Lyme Disease is caused by Borrelia Burgdorferi The acute “viral like” illness includes symptoms of fatigue, sore throat, […]
So what is this mystery food that everyone should be eating more of? Nope, not apple cider vinegar (which seems to be the cure for all conditions these days on Dr. Google). Pineapple! Yep, that’s right. I bet you didn’t realize that this tasty fruit from the tropics holds quite […]
Have you ever had your stress levels tested? 🤷🏻♀️ Did you even know that this was a thing? 🤔 The most direct measure of stress is cortisol. This test can be run by blood, urine or saliva. It can also be run in association with hormones like thyroid, estrogen and […]
Does anybody else feel like they’re living in the movie ‘Groundhog Day’? Sleep, eat, work, help the kids with school, and repeat. The monotony of our new ‘normal’ with the feeling of not having control, or knowing what is happening with the world in the next weeks to months to […]
Hard to get out of bed in the morning? Low energy throughout the day? Feel like you need an afternoon nap? Hard time losing weight? Dry skin? Thinning hair? Cold hands or feet? Do any of these sound familiar? If so, you may want to take a closer look at […]
Many people are unaware of the effects that your thyroid and thyroid medication s have on bone health. A proper thyroid balance at every age is imperative! Thyroid hormones are key regulators of skeletal development in childhood and bone density in adulthood. Hypothyroidism in children may cause slow bone maturation […]
Back to work for us adults, and back to school for the kids. As we all try and readjust to routine and schedules after some well deserved rest over the holidays, this is also the time when people are getting sick with infections, especially the kids from school. There is […]
Have you been suffering from migraines for years? Are you bedridden and not able to function for hours or days on end because you keep getting migraines consistently and the medication just isn’t cutting it? You may want to take a closer look at your hormones. As women, our hormones […]
When I saw this study I was absolutely shocked! Nearly all foods made for babies contain at least one toxic heavy metal that can harm brain development. The study tested 13 different types of foods like baby foods, infant formula, cereal, puffs, snacks and purees and juices. 168 containers were […]
We’re 3 weeks in. How are your kids holding up? Most people are worried about the first few days of the school year. How are their kids going to adapt to: – a new teacher -new classmates -more school work compared to the previous year -adjusting to waking up early […]
Today is Rowan’s Law Day, September 25th! Are you wondering what this means? It means that there will be stricter guidelines to ensure our children’s safety in sport when it comes to head injuries and concussions. As a mother of 4, I am so pleased to see that the government […]
What is a Functional Medicine Doctor? A functional medicine doctor looks at your body as a single integrated entity, functioning to maintain balance. When there is imbalance in one system it effects so many areas in the rest of your body that may cause issues or imbalances. For example, if […]
So we’re all familiar with the terrible two’s and terrible three’s, but what if your considerably easy going, relaxed child, suddenly (I’m talking overnight) develops OCD and/or tics. Many parents and physicians can be confused by this abrupt onset of symptoms and then the children are diagnosed with OCD, tics, […]
Dr. Danielle O’Connor ND explains the importance of treating the medical aspects of autism. She explains dietary and nutrient interventions and the biochemistry behind their application. If you have a child on the spectrum and are interested in seeing if dietary changes can improve their behaviour, sleep, speech and […]
Even in the past 3 years we have seen many scientific studies on the benefits of a healthy diet on behaviour and cognition in autism. Gluten-free, casein-free, and modified ketogenic are amongst the most recently studied. In clinical practice I use a specific autism diet that is a combination based […]
I am very fortunate to love what I do, but i must say, some days are more difficult than others. A large part of my practice is focused on childhood and teen anxiety (i also see adults), and it is so upsetting to see the frequency of children coming in […]
How to Start the New Year Healthy Now is the time when many people make their resolutions for the New Year, and very often they include health goals. This should be a time to reflect upon where you are now and where you want to be, what will get you […]