How to Start the New Year Healthy!

How to Start the New Year Healthy

Now is the time when many people make their resolutions for the New Year, and very often they include health goals. This should be a time to reflect upon where you are now and where you want to be, what will get you closer to optimizing your health. Most often people change their diet for weight loss in the New Year after over eating during the holidays, but not enough focus goes into their diet for better health.

Some key areas to focus on to optimize your health:

1. Regular doctor visits – you should be getting regular lab tests done to find trends in your health, this is a part of preventative medicine. Get your thyroid, Vitamin D status, iron, and B12 levels checked regularly.

2. Identify areas of poor digestion – are there foods that you eat that cause discomfort, bloating or gas? These could be food sensitivities causing inflammation in your gut, leading to leaky gut and malabsorption. This can further decrease your immune system, lead to gut flora imbalances and effect your mood, energy and sleep.

3. Stress – daily meditation or quiet time for deep breathing. We all experience stress, but how does your body deal with it? Is your body properly supported with nutrients to keep your adrenal glands functioning properly.

4. Healthy eating – there are many diets out there, there is no perfect one for all; find the one that fits into your health goals best. (For example, the anti-inflammatory diet for arthritis, or the thyroid diet for hypothyroid, a specific food diet based on your sensitivities).

5. Detoxification – do you crave sugars and breads, or rely on coffee to get you through the day; it’s time to detox!!! Get your body working again and clearing out the toxins so that you can properly benefit from a clean diet.

6. Be active – whether you frequent the gym, or choose to take the stairs instead of the elevator, exercise needs to be a part of your daily routine. Your health will benefit in many ways if you remain active (heart health, regulates blood pressure, controls blood sugar, improves mood and sleep, increases the immune system).

This year, when you make your New Year’s resolution, don’t be that person that just goes on a diet for weight loss, be that person that changes their lifestyle for overall health – better yourself now for your future.
Start 2018 off right with a personalized diet plan, detoxification program, and daily supplement regime. Set aside one hour in the New Year to kick your health into gear. Naturopathic Care is covered by most extended health care plans.