Stress Tests: Insider Info

Have you ever had your stress levels tested? 🤷🏻‍♀️

Did you even know that this was a thing? 🤔 

The most direct measure of stress is cortisol. This test can be run by blood, urine or saliva. 

It can also be run in association with hormones like thyroid, estrogen and progesterone to see exactly what is causing your levels to be high ⬆️or low⬇️…getting to the root cause of your stress is very important! 

Other important tests that assess for stress are:

🔹tests for inflammation: ESR, CRP, ferritin, urate 

🔹stress effects blood sugar: fasting blood glucose, HbA1c

🔹stress effects hormones: thyroid (TSH, free T3, Free T4, TPO), hormones (cortisol, testosterone, DHEAs, estrogen, progesterone)

🔹stress effects nutrient levels: vitamin B12, ferritin, vitamin D, folate, creatinine

🔹stress impacts cholesterol levels: ensuring that the LDL and HDL ratios are balanced, too high or too low can mean stress on your body

It’s easy to say we are affected by stress, but do you really know what it’s doing to your body.

Get checked!